Sunday, November 27, 2011

Manufacturing Monuments (Joshua Study Post 11)

Manufacturing Monuments

Read Joshua 4:1-9

We all face obstacles to overcome, battles to win and enemies to defeat. Like he Israel, victory comes to those who trust and obey. When God prevails, we should give Him glory by remembering His work in our midst and erecting a monument to His holy name. Whether it be an actual "monument" or whether it be through our telling and retelling the story of our victory through Him to anyone who will listen or even through our lives being changed because of the victory through His name. However we choose to remember, it is of utmost importance that we DO remember. Not only for ourselves and to remind us of what He has done, but also to reveal to others what God and His power can do. Remember Rahab, she learned through hearing and seeing what He did for others and that was her saving grace!!

In Chapter 4, we pick up just as all of the tribes of Israel have crossed over the dry bed of the river Jordan. The Lord gives Joshua specific instructions to build a memorial of what He has done for them so that they can remember it forever, as well as tell their children and their children's children about what He did for them. We often fail in our trust of God because we forget the great things He has done, and often the faith of our children is weak because they have never been told how great God is and how real His working is in our lives.

If we really think about it, these stones will not just be a visual reminder, but also a tangible reminder of their victory through God, for years and years to come. Getting the stones wasn't hard for the 12 men, I'm sure, but that was because the river bed was dried up! In the years to come when their children and grandchildren are asking about the memorial there will be a raging river in front of them. The task of retrieving 12 stones from the river bed looks like an almost unconquerable task to them! But there they are, standing right in front of them as tangible proof....God's power, in their minds, is radically enlarged!

The next verse is probably my favorite part of this reading;

9 Joshua set up the twelve stones that had been in the middle of the Jordan at the spot where the priests who carried the ark of the covenant had stood. And they are there to this day.

Now, if we aren't careful, we will read this and understand that Joshua was setting up the stones that the 12 men collected....that's what I had read and understood it to say in the past. I didn't realize the truth until I studied it out tonight! Joshua collected 12 stones of his own. We know this because the verse before says this;

8 So the Israelites did as Joshua commanded them. They took twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, as the Lord had told Joshua; and they carried them over with them to their camp, where they put them down.

So they had already put their stones down by the camp. Verse 9 tells us that before the river went back to flowing as normal, Joshua took 12 stones and erected a memorial in the middle where the priest had stood. When the river started flowing again normally, the stones would probably not be visible. However, Do you know when they would be visible?? During a time of drought!! I don't know about you, but that speaks to me! Joshua set up a memorial in the very bed of the river Jordan, so that when it was lowered in a season of drought, those stones could be seen and would testify of the time that God had completely dried up the Jordan! During our "seasons of drought" are the most important times that we need to remember all of the wonderful things that God has done for us. When the enemy is whispering in our ear that we aren't good enough...we need to be able to look back at those memorials and call him a liar. When life is weighing us down until we feel like there's no use trying....we need to be able to look at those memorials and see that there is. When we are convinced that God does not have a purpose or a GOOD plan for our lives....we need to be able to see those memorials and remember that He does and He has been working in us all along. Ladies, Let's build memorials. If you need to write it down, write it down. If you need to take a picture, do it. If you need to tell someone so that they can remind you when you forget, tell someone..or tell 10 someones! It doesn't matter how we do it, just that we do.

How do you plan to build memorials of God's goodness in your life?

Going without Knowing (Joshua Study Post 10)

Going without Knowing!

Read Joshua 3:9-17

We read in these verses that the Lord gives specific instructions for the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant to lead the way as the Israelites enter into the Jordan river. He tells them further that as soon as the priests carrying the Ark step foot in the river, "its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap."..... He doesn't tell them HOW the water will be stopped. He doesn't tell them HOW their miracle is going to happen. Just that it is going to happen. That so relates to our lives, doesn't it? How often does God ask us to trust Him, even when we don't know where our miracle is going to come from? I was discussing last week with a few young ladies that I had breakfast with about how we try SO hard to figure out WHAT the plan is that God has for our lives. We pray to know what it is. We pray for it to's a big deal (as it should be!). But I told them that I was starting to consider that maybe God doesn't want us to try so hard to figure out WHAT the plan is...maybe He is waiting for us to just trust that there IS a plan. So it was with the Israelites. They knew God had a plan. Joshua told them what God planned to do. Just not how He planned to do it! Once again, the priests and the Israelites remained faithful! Not knowing, they still did as they were instructed and stepped into the raging river that looked like it wasn't going anywhere, and once again, God proved His faithfulness and power. He was calling the Israelites to step out in faith while the water was still raging. So many times we want the ground to be dry before we even step out.

Parting the waters and causing them to "cut off and stand up in a heap" wasn't the only miracle that happened when they crossed the Jordan. The Word also says that God allowed the Israelites to cross over on dry ground. The ground that had just, moments before, been a riverbed was now completely dry! When the Israelites stepped out in faith God made it so that they didn't even have to cross over through all the mud and muck of a wet, soggy riverbed. How great is He??

Now, just a bit about the Ark of the Covenant and the symbolism I see here in these verses...We already know that the Ark of the Covenant represented the very presence of God. In this instance we see that the priests stand holding the Ark allowing all of the people to pass essence, saving their lives. I think that we can liken this to what God gave us through Jesus' life on the cross. Jesus (the ark) held back death (the Jordan) so that we could be saved. The Israelites had to trust Joshua and keep their focus on and follow behind the Ark that was holding back that river so that they could cross over into the Promised Land. Just like them, we have to keep our eyes on and follow our victorious Jesus and OUR river of impossibility will dry up so that we can cross over into our Promised Land! I know i've said this before, buuuutttt..... I love that! I love finding stuff that is "hidden" in the Word!! :)

So, as we think about the trials and "mud and muck" we are facing in our lives, maybe we should pray and ask God to help us have the faith and focus of the Israelites. Courage to step out, in faith with the river still raging, and trust Him to dry it all up and lead us into the plan He has for us.....even when we have no idea what it is!

Following Instructions (Joshua Study Post 9)

Following Instructions

Read Joshua 3:1-6

I am filled with anticipation as we begin chapter 3!! The Israelites are so close to finally going into the Promised Land....I can only imagine the excitement they felt as they camped on the very banks of the River Jordan for 3 days. The very river that stood between them and their PROMISE...

What I want to talk about tonight is the instructions that Joshua gives to the Israelites as to how they are to cross into their land. We can probably safely say that by this point they were sitting on ready...they more than likely didn't sleep the night before b/c they were SO excited because they knew that this promise that they had been waiting soooo long for was about to be fulfilled. They would probably have just took off running towards their promise just because they were so ready to receive it after all this time!! Or, they could have let a little fear creep back in. They knew they were supposed to be crossing this river, but for the last 3 days they have looked at the waters as they flowed. they have noticed, over and over, the size of the river. I can't say for sure how they were feeling...But once again, there is a seemingly impossible task blocking their way. However; Joshua asks them to be faithful....once again. He asks them to follow a specific set of instructions. Instructions that initially sound insignificant. But we know better than that by now! ;)

Let's take a look at the instructions he gave them;
First, Joshua tells them
3“When you see the Levitical priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD your God, move out from your positions and follow them. 

Joshua didn't send his strongest warriors first. He didn't tell all of the strongest warriors to take the front line...Joshua realized that this battle was a spiritual one and not a physical one. He realized that the priests that carried the Ark of the Covenant, which was the visible representation of God's presence among the Israelites, had to be their fist line of defense.

So many times we want to attempt to fight our battles ourselves. We think "we got it". We think we know what is best. Only to find out that we are completely wrong. Then, when all else fails, we decide to give God a go at it. All the while we are fighting with our own strength, God is just waiting for us to let Him go before us and fight our battle for us! (and we're only on the 1st instruction!! :) )

Second, Joshua instructs them to
Since you have never traveled this way before, they will guide you. Stay about a half mile behind them, keeping a clear distance between you and the Ark. Make sure you don’t come any closer.”

Joshua instructs them of this for 2 reasons. In order to respect the holy nature of the Ark. And also so that everyone had a clear view of the Ark...So they could keep their eyes on the presence of God. They presence of God was leading them. How much more victorious could our lives be if we let the presence of God lead our every decision?

And Lastly,Joshua tell them,
And Joshua said to the people, "Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you."

"Sanctify....... (Consecrate, Purify, Cleanse, make yourselves holy) for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you."....The Israelites were a l m o s t ready to enter into the promise God had for them...but there was just one more thing to do. God needed to get them prepared spiritually. He needed them to purify their minds and hearts completely so that they were ready to receive ALL He had for them!

Couldn't it be that God is saying the same thing to his us today?
Sanctify yourselves.
Purify yourselves.
Consecrate yourselves
for tomorrow I will do wonders among you!!

I believe that God has got a new level for our lives to go to.
He’s got bigger authority for us to realize.
He's got more work for us to do!
He's got more friends for us to share our story with!
He’s wants to enlarge our vision, enlarge our purpose.....
But first, before these wonders will come, he says  “Sanctify yourself.”
The word, Sanctify means the process of becoming pure and holy, just as God is pure and Holy.
Cindy Jacobs says that “Sanctification is a process in which you become more Christ like."
In a nutshell, It means you make clear decisions in your life.
It's all about making a decision to not let sin have a say in your life any longer.
You make a choice that you will not sin.
You make a choice that if you are addicted that you will get help.
You make a choice to not entertain temptation.

I believe that God uses this story to make it clear that; a) we all need instruction. Just as the Israelites needed instruction before crossing the Jordan. b) that sometimes all that's left to do is surrender our life completely to Him in order to walk into our promise. All that may be left to do if you are still waiting on your promise, is for you to surrender to God's instruction for your to sanctify yourself!

Salvation Stories (Joshua Study Post 8)

Salvation Stories

Read Joshua 2:21-24

How were you saved? Did you grow up in church and accept Jesus in a Sunday School classroom at a young age? Were you a teenager at a youth event? Were you an adult who turned to Jesus as your last resort? Were you alone in your room? No matter how you came to know Jesus, there was a chain of events that led to someone, somewhere telling you about His scarlet red blood that would change your life forever! Thank God for those that are bold enough to proclaim the truth!

Tonight we read about the covenant that Rahab makes with the spies. We also read that the spies go back and tell their commander in Cheif "all that had befallen them". This means that they went back and told Joshua and the rest of the tribe all about what they found in the promised land. They tell them that all of the people there are afraid of them. But they also tell them all about their experience with Rahab, the prostitute.

We read back in verse 9 of chapter 2 that Rahab had already heard of the things God had done for the Israelites. Now, because of the dedication of the spies, Rahab comes to know, first-hand, the truth and power of God. And through her display of courage in believing and protecting the spies, she would hang a scarlet cord from her home that would link her forever to her Messiah. The spies promise to protect Rahab and her family also promises her adoption into the "family" of the Israelites. Since the Israelites will be inhabiting the whole land, this must mean that Rahab and her family will dwell with them and become a part of them! That takes the promise to a whole new level, doesn't it!! Just as I don't believe the chain of events leading to your salvation were circumstance, I don't believe this chain of events was either....

Let's go back a little further. A couple of posts ago we learned that Joshua told the people they had 3 days to get ready before the entered the promised land. Now, Joshua had just wandered around in the desert for 40 years...why do you think he would need 3 additional days before entering the land? God did for Rahab just what He did for me and you when He sent those people into our lives to show and assure us of His promises. God used those 3 days to have Joshua send 2 spies on a reconnaissance mission that was so much more than they realized it would be!! Their ultimate purpose wasn't just so they could scope out the land....It was so that they could meet this lost soul, Rahab, and comfort her fearful heart. So they could assure her of the Lord's promises. So they could offer her protections and she could have the opportunity to prove her faithfulness. Using Joshua and the spies as tools, for those 3 days, God was just patiently waiting for one more soul's conversion.

How humbling that He loves us so much that He would create a specific order of events JUST so we come to know Him? Even more so that He would choose to use us as tools in the events that He uses to bring others to know Him.

Lord, help us to be faithful and courageous when you call us so that we never miss a chance to be part of something so much bigger than us. Let us look at every opportunity as an opportunity to be a part of someone's "salvation story"!

If anyone is willing to share, I would love to hear your salvation story

Scarlet Red (Joshua Study Post 7)

Scarlet Red

Read Joshua 2:14-20

In these verses we find out that the spies make a promise to Rahab. They promise her that as long as she protects them that they will return the favor. All she has to do is leave the scarlet rope hanging from her window and her and everyone in her home will live. Life for life.

Now, today, I want to focus on something a little different. I want to focus on the rope.  I (and I pray you too!) believe that every word in the Bible is alive. I believe every word was breathed & inspired by God. I also believe that every detail in the Word has a meaning. I don't believe that it is just coincidence or happenstance that this rope was red...scarlet red. This Scarlet Red, the color of blood, is woven through the history of God's people. It begins with the first animal sacrifice in the Garden of Eden. Made by God Himself to cover Adam & Eve's nakedness and restore fellowship with Him. Later on the blood of the ram took the place of Isaac, Abraham's beloved son, on the altar of sacrifice. We see this scarlet thread woven through time into the captivity in Egypt when the River Nile turned Blood Red. We see it again on the day that the door posts are stained with the lambs' blood so that God would passover the homes and spare the Hebrews' firstborn sons. We see it at the dripping altars of sacrifice made to atone for the sins of a wandering people. We see it again and  again....over and over, even up to the ultimate scarlet red sacrifice of Jesus' blood. I can not accept that God did not intentionally do this to show us something.

These spies found shelter in the home of Rahab, a "scarlet woman," who heard what the God of Israel had done when he parted the Red Sea, how blood had covered the battlefield when the Israelites encountered the Amorites. This courageous (remember COURAGE we talked about a few posts ago??) woman was protected by the scarlet cord and ultimately became part of the BLOODLINE of Jesus Christ.

Artists know that red is a dominant color. Even a small drop in a painting will draw attention in its direction. Rahab tossed out a scarlet cord to capture the spies attention and proclaim; SAVE THIS HOUSE!!
In somewhat the same manner, God threw out the scarlet lifeline, through Jesus' blood on the cross to capture our attention. He offers us the opportunity to be covered by that scarlet blood. By doing so, we then capture His attention and proclaim to Him; SAVE THIS SINNER!! Accepting that opportunity and being washed in that blood allows the Father to see us transformed from scarlet red into pure white!

Thank God for His redeeming blood! I know that it has been my source of hope on many occasions. Just knowing that His scarlet blood was shed for me is more than my heart can hold! what a joy and honor to be His child!! Let me hear your thoughts and insights on this topic! I love hearing what all of you have to say.

The Courageous Prostitute (Joshua Study Post 6)

The Courageous Prostitute.

Read Joshua 2:1-13

Just to quickly recap where we are; Joshua has mourned the death of his mentor, Moses. He has been called, by God, to fill the shoes of leader to the Israelite people. He has summoned the people to begin to prepare to go into the land that God has promised them. He has told them they had 3 days to prepare. Joshua decides to send 2 spies into the city to scope out the area....

Now, that brings us to today's text. Today we meet a woman by the name of Rahab. I'm so encouraged by the things that we can learn from this woman that comes from the lineage of Christ! However, my heart is also convicted...Let's learn a little about this woman, Rahab.

In just the first verse of chapter 2 we learn 3 things about Rahab. 1) She is a prostitute 2) She lives in Jericho 3) The spies come to her house while on the job.
We have to picture the scene as these spies came upon the home of Rahab. From what we know about the life of prostitution, then and now, we can draw the conclusion that Rahab wasn't living in a little house with a white picket fence standing on the porch in her dress and an apron offering coffee and a, Rahab probably didn't have the cleanest living conditions. She was more likely dressed for a Saturday evening rendezvous. She was a prostitute. This was her way of life. She would have been rejected by her community. Used by men who sought her out for only one thing. I believe that we must truly understand her life, where she comes from, in order to learn the most from her.

Here is a woman who is obviously not living the life that God has set out for her. A woman that any of us would probably reject as a "servant of the Lord". A woman who most would probably say the Lord could not use. So, why do the spies choose to stop at her door? What makes her home more appealing than the one with the moral family living in it next door? What convinces Rahab to lie to her own people in order to protect these men who she does not know? The answer....Faith & Courage. Rahab had faith and acted on it with courage. She had heard what the Lord had done for the Israelites and believed. The she was given the opportunity and acted on that belief. Her actions could very well cost her her life. But she acted anyway.  How many times do we hear of things that the Lord has done yet refuse to believe...OR worse, we believe, but we refuse act on that belief.

Rahab goes on in verses 12 & 13 to make a deal with the spies. If she protects them, they must protect her and her family... and as a side note, these verses also present another piece of Rahab's life. She speaks of her "Father" and "Brothers". In those days if a woman was unwed she would continue to be provided for by her Father and if he was deceased her brothers would care for her. So why was Rahab a prostitute if her Father and Brothers were still living? The Word doesn't tell us, but we could draw the conclusion that she was not only rejected by society, but also abandoned by her family to a life of prostitution. To me, this makes her faith & Courage shine even brighter. Not only had she heard what the Lord had done, believed it & acted on it but she had trust in Him to do even more! She trusted in Him to protect her and her family.

Although Ms. Rahab had a lot of things going wrong in her life, we can see that she had a lot to teach us about faith & courage. Does this also teach us not to judge people so quickly by their outward appearance and actions or past actions? Maybe there is something we can learn from everyone that we come in contact with....After all, God made them too, right?
