Monday, January 25, 2016


So, my husband is teaching a series to our youth group entitled 'Best Year Ever'. It inspired me to write about 10 things I could do to help make this year the best year ever for me! :) The series focuses on the life of Joseph (the coat one, not Jesus' daddy) and has been amazing so far!

So, here's my list...Just random, no specific order, not too much thought. Just the first things that come to my head;
  1. Study scripture more
    • don't insert 'read bible more' here. I read my bible often. Almost everyday. But I think there are things that can only be stored in your heart from truly studying the Word. I am not the greatest student. Classrooms are not my friend and sitting still for long periods of time is tough for me. I have began researching creative ways to enhance bible study. I'll share on here, maybe when I hone this skill!
  2. Wake up earlier
    • I'm putting this on the list begrudgingly. I hate mornings! Wait.... no I don't. I love the idea of mornings. Fresh start, blessed to be alive, sun coming up type of thing. I think it should be more that I hate getting out of bed. That's the problem. I become one with my bed covers and feel sad leaving them. I think they need me to keep them warm.
  3. Meal Planning
    • Not the weight loss kind (though that will be mentioned in the list somewhere, I'm sure). But the kind where you plan out your meals for the week before you go to the grocery store. The kind that keeps you from having to go to the grocery store every day. That kind.
  4. Write More
    • Working on that. Obvs.
  5. Make Date Night a Priority
    • With 3 kids, including an infant, date nights have become few and far between. Thing is, I know how important they are for a relationship. I know that mamas and daddy's need adult time. I've been slacking. 
  6. Exercise More
    • Isn't this on everyone's list? But for real, I gotta get back in to shape.... or at least enough where I can fit my pre-baby clothes comfortably! Thing is, I love to run. I just gotta make the time.
  7. Be Intentional About "Unplugged" Family Time
    • Now that we have a pre-teen and a tween in the fam, I often look around and notice that while we are supposed to be spending time together, we are all lit up with that electronic glow on our faces. Me included!! With iphones and ipods rolling with Ista or Facebook or outside communication, we may be in the same room, but we are def not spending time together. I want to change that. 
  8. Listen More. Talk Less
    • This has been a long-standing problem for me. I don't mean to interrupt. I blame it on my brain. It moves  so fast that sometimes something flies out of my mouth before I have time to stop it, lol. I have to intentionally tell myself to listen and not think. I find myself thinking of my response while I should be listening to the remainder of what someone is saying... I can admit my faults. #workingonit 
  9. Do More Random Acts of Kindness
    • These don't have to be hard. I have seen firsthand how much the smallest gesture can help brighten someone's day. Doesn't have to cost a dime. The list could go on and on. Just being nice can make a change in someone's day. I am making it a goal to do at least one nice thing everyday.
      • hold open a door for the person behind you
      • pick up a piece of trash you walk past
      • offer to help someone carrying a lot of things (groceries, books, etc)
      • by someone's meal behind you in the drive thru
      • leave a couple quarters at the laundry mat
      • text someone just to let them know you are thinking about them.
  10. Make Time to Read
    • I love to read! The problem is *finding the time to sit down and do it. *read making time to do it. I clearly have time... have you seen how much I post on facebook and insta?? :) Honestly, I do have time that I could be reading instead of vegging out on the couch mindlessly scrolling through the book of faces. I just have to discipline myself to do it. Changing habits... that's what I'm planning for 2016. 
If you read this whole thing, God bless you! Sometimes my brain wanders and rambles and I wonder if stuff even makes sense. But it gets it out of my head to make room for more! May 2016 be your Best.Year.Ever!! And in the words of my girl this morning "May the Will of God Keep You and the Grace of God Protect You." Blessings!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

This is not an ad :)

I know this post will be different than my typical posts, but my New Year's resolution this year was to be more creative and I wanted to share a piece of what I do to meet that need. About 3 years ago, I took an interest in graphic design. I took a lot of time to really research and teach myself how to do these type things on the computer. I started out just designing birthday party invitations or shower invitations for a few friends and then quickly realized that I could make a little money doing something that I really enjoyed! Now, please know, I do not try to do this to make a living. I have only charged anyone more than $10 one time, lol. But it is so relaxing to me to see things come together or be able to re-create something that a client is looking for. For me, being creative is something that I NEED to do. I know that it is a God given desire. If I am not creating, I feel like I am not using that desire that He placed inside of me and that it is drying up! On the other hand, I get bored very easily, so I need something that can keep my interest and allow me to do different things. This fits all of those things... Here are a few of my favorites so far :)

Don't give up what you love to do with the excuse that you don't have time. That's what I've done for so long. Being able to do something I enjoy makes me a better mother, wife and friend. When I am able to use all of the parts of me, I feel that I am being the best me that I can be! I just love the creating process. It sets my mind free and relaxes me more than anything else. I'm so thankful for a God that is creative. After all, He is the ultimate Creator! 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Best Part of My Day Is.....

not mornings....for sure not mornings. :)

The best part of my day is in the early evening when all the best parts of me are gathered under one roof. We don't have to be doing anything spectacular. We don't even have to be in the same room. Just something in a mama's heart that makes it feel complete when all of her babies and her love are in the some place, breathing the same air. Our family is busy, probably busier than most, and we love it that way. But no matter what is going on, these moments will always be my favorite. Most days we are going in at least 3 different directions, but typically, around 5:30-6:00 we are able to all be home. Even if only for a few minutes. I cherish these moments. As I have realized with my oldest son, the time will pass so quickly by. Long before this mama is ready he will be getting a drivers license. Then, way too soon, driving away to college leaving this mama's heart aching. I want to hang onto these moments that I have the 4 people that I love most in the world all together. I won't say that these moments are always peaceful and calm....because sometimes they are anything but! With a family of 5, including an infant, there aren't a whole lot of peaceful, calm moments if I'm being honest :) But these are the moments where we are able to be exactly who we are and grow together. These are the moments where the world can't interfere. These are the moments where I can be their mom and his wife... and that's it. I don't have to be all of the other things I need to be on a daily these moments. These are the moments where he can be my husband and their daddy, only. My C can be a 12 year old boy...with out the pressures that 12 year old boys face daily or the need to impress someone weighing on him. These are the moments that my K can curl up in her daddy's lap and be a silly, fun, 9 year old little girl. Not worrying about school or "frenemies" or any other 3rd grade drama that comes about. The moments where my A can lay in the floor and kick and squeal and scream to her delight with out being strapped in a car seat or having to be quiet. Precious moments where we can just be us, wholly and completely. With the people who love us for that. There are so many big, exciting things that will happen in our lives that will create huge memories and change our lives forever. But, for me, these moments are the core of our being. These moments are creating who my children are. These moments are creating security and confidence in their lives. I thank God for the opportunity to be theirs and for them to be mine. I count them as my biggest blessings in life and being their wife and mother my highest calling. I look forward to a lifetime of creating moments!

Is it 5:30 yet??

Linking up at: MamaKats

Saturday, January 9, 2016

When Life Doesn't Fit Your Plan

As women, we need a plan, right? It seems so disorderly and chaotic when we don't. I get it. But God is teaching me so much about my plan compared to His. 2001, My husband and I got married. We were married one year, got pregnant. Had our sweet baby boy. 3 years later, had our beautiful baby girl. Just like we had planned. Boy first, then girl... 3 years apart. Perfect. When our daughter was 3 we decided it would be nice to have add a third child to our family. We tried to get pregnant. For almost 2 years we tried. When it didn't happen, we gave up. Decided that it just wasn't meant to be. And that was ok. Our family of four was enough. Fast forward five years. A 12 year old, an 8 year old. They are both pretty self sufficient. Date nights have become a thing again since they can stay home by themselves for a couple hours. Life is good.... And busy. Non-stop with sports and theatre and ministry and work. We have always loved it that way. Then, January 14, 2015 our lives were changed forever when I woke up throwing up for two mornings in a row.  Surely I wasn't.... That would be absurd after 5 years. God wouldn't do this. It wasn't our plan. And we had decided it wasn't His either since we didn't get pregnant for the third time when we were trying. After 3 pregnancy tests and bloodwork, it was inevitable. What?!? "We're too old" "we're too busy" "I don't have ANY baby stuff left" "my house is too small" "we can't afford another child" "what will my older kids think?" All of these things and so much more flooded my mind instantly. It was so easy to become quickly overwhelmed. But, as quickly as it overwhelmed me, God gave me peace. He spoke to my heart the things I've spoken to others through overwhelming circumstances many times over the years. "I have a plan.... A good plan. A plan to prosper and not harm. I knew you before I formed you. All good gifts come from me..It is well." So much peace filled my soul! Having children 12 & 8 years apart for sure was not in my plan. But I thank God that His plan is so much sweeter than mine. I can't begin to imagine our lives without our sweet Auburn now. She was the missing piece to our family that we didn't know was missing. She has brought us so much joy, so much laughter. She brought us a refreshing that we were unaware we needed. She is an amazing gift! God continues to work on me. To make me more flexible. To make me more open to a change in plans... To make me less focused on the actual plan and more focused on the journey and the outcome. It's not comfortable all the time, actually most of the time it's uncomfortable. But in those moments, all I have to do is look into the face of my precious girl and it reminds me that miraculous things can happen outside of my plans. Jeremiah 29:11, Jeremiah 1;5, James 1:17, Psalm 62:5